Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hanging Grid of Spring Chains

Can Solidworks Handle a Matrix of Hanging Spring Chains?

Yes, with similar procedure as the catenary shape of the chain of springs, only this time there is a grid (or matrix) or springs, making a 'catenary dome' that could eventually be used to make a gridshell. The result ends up looking as expected:

Spring Chain Matrix, Hanging

Just as with a single spring chain, starting from a flat position ensures that the hanging is repeatable, and the curvature of the form (basically how far down the chains actually hang) can be manipulated by adjusting the spring constant of the springs, either individually or together.
Spring Chain Matrix Starting Position (disregard the red springs)

Adjusting the springs individually will change the shape from a standard catenary shape, however, and would only make sense when the flipped catenary dome will be under uneven loading.

Both the single spring chain and the spring chain matrix were able to yield sketches representing the position of each 'node,' which means the next step moving forward is to turn those sketches into an actual catenary arch (and eventually a catenary dome) and test them under even graviational loading to see if they are at or near pure compression.

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